You can donate to EAPPI UK & Ireland today in the one of the following ways…
Click here to make a one-off or regular online donation.

Use the details below to arrange a transfer through your bank or building society using the reference ‘EAPPI’.
To: Britain Yearly Meeting
Coop Bank
1 Islington High Street
London N1 9TR
Account number: 50234651
Sort code: 089061
IBAN: GB91 CPBK 0890 6150 2346 51
Send a cheque to FREEPOST QUAKERS (UK only, no postage stamp required). Please make the cheque out to ‘Britain Yearly Meeting’ and write ‘EAPPI’ on the back.

Use the below details to arrange a transfer through your bank or building society using the reference ‘EAPPI’.
To: Britain Yearly Meeting
Coop Bank
1 Islington High Street
London N1 9TR
Account number: 50234651
Sort code: 089061
IBAN: GB91 CPBK 0890 6150 2346 51